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We are the Preferred Equipment Cleaners for The Windsor Spitfires.
We keep the Windsor Fire Combat Challenge Team's gear clean, healthy and fresh.
Preferred Cleaning, Disinfecting, Freshening Process

The Preferred Process for Cleaning, Disinfecting & Freshening!

Parker Sport and Gear Cleaning uses the Esporta Wash System exclusively for cleaning, disinfecting and refreshing all items brought to us for "cleaning". This system has been clearly documented as the preferred method for cleaning sports gear and equipment, personal protective equipment and other important items requiring a thorough cleaning, disinfecting and freshening process to provide fresh, healthy results.
Other systems, including Ozone Cleaning Systems, simply do not measure up when it comes to a completely safe, healthy and effective cleaning, disinfecting and refreshing process.

The Processes

Our Four-Stage wet clean detergent and disinfectant process cleans deeply into crevices, foams and padding to destroy bacteria, mould and fungus at the source.

Product Safety

Esporta uses an environmentally safe cleaning process that is not harmful to the environment, the equipment being cleaned or the operator. Hockey Canada, USA Hockey and the American Center for Disease Control recommend washing to kill bacteria and to disinfect sports equipment.


Eight compartments in the cleaning machine allow for the cleaning of eight sets of equipment at one time providing efficient use of labour. A computerized preset wash program delivers the same result every time. All equipment is held firmly in place inside the machine's individual components. Sports equipment for Hockey, Soccer, Football, Lacrosse, Baseball, Softball and most other sports along with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used by law enforcement and the military can all be safely and effectively cleaned.

Eliminates Odours Caused by Bacteria, Fungus & Mould

The Esporta Wash process flushes away every trace of sweat and bacteria leaving the equipment clean, fresh and disinfected. Mud and grass stains are also removed.

Lab Test Results

Published laboratory results verify that bacteria kill efficacy is at a rate of 99.9997% including the Staphylococcus Aureus Bacterium (Staph)

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